This page shows FAQs about the linkage between Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID and Yahoo! JAPAN ID.
using Yahoo! JAPAN ID provides you more security.
You won't be able to sign in. Sign-in using your Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID will no longer be available.
Yahoo! JAPAN ID is an ID to use the services we offer.
Contact the support team of the service you are using.
You can't link your Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID in the following cases:
Yahoo! JAPAN IDs are associated with Yahoo! JAPAN Auction stores.
Yahoo! JAPAN IDs are already associated with different Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID.
Yahoo! JAPAN IDs are generated through the "smart login" feature and don't have passwords set.
Sign in with your Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID, then your Yahoo! JAPAN ID appears at the top of the Business Center.
No, you can only view your Yahoo! JAPAN ID.
Contact the support team of the service you are using. To use the Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID removed, link it with the Yahoo! JAPAN ID again.
Unlink once and link with the new Yahoo! JAPAN ID.
If you delete your Yahoo! JAPAN ID, the linkage will be automatically removed. Then you will receive an email at the Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID's email address. You can link your Yahoo! JAPAN ID from the URL in the confirmation mail.
If your Yahoo! JAPAN Business ID is deleted, the linkage will be automatically removed. Then you will receive an email at the Yahoo! JAPAN ID's email address.